To be released on March 1, Delivery Man foreshadows a fascinating fantasy duo to decorate the series. The series follows the story of a taxi driver named Young-min who drives ghosts as his customers. He chances upon Ji-hyun a wandering soul who lost her memories. Anticipation is expected on what kind...
Bang Minah suits up as Kang Ji-hyun, a lively and bright ghost with amnesia in Delivery Man! Slated for a March broadcast, Delivery Man follows the story of a taxi driver named Young-min who drives ghosts as his customers. He chances upon Ji-hyun a wandering soul who lost her memories....
A thrilling and comical investigation drama is underway for Genie TV! Slated for a March broadcast, Delivery Man follows the story of a taxi driver who drives ghosts as his customers. He chances upon Ji-hyun a wandering soul who lost her memories. Anticipation is expected on what kind of special...