Father Kim Hae-il, a former intelligence agent turned fiery, justice-seeking priest, is back in action in The Fiery Priest 2, premiering November 8 on Disney+. Known for his short temper and unrelenting pursuit of what’s right, Father Kim will stop at nothing to root out corruption and bring criminals to...
As the premiere of The Fiery Priest 2 approaches, anticipation is building with the release of striking character posters showcasing the main cast: Kim Nam Gil, Honey Lee, and Kim Sung Kyun. These visuals promise an exhilarating journey filled with drama and action, hinting at the formidable teamwork among the...
The Fiery Priest 2 comes back with its explosive trio! After a five-year break, The Fiery Priest 2 is making a comeback, raising high expectations with the reunion of its beloved main cast—Kim Nam Gil, Honey Lee, and Kim Sung Kyun. The trio recently revealed an attention-grabbing teaser poster, signaling...
Notching impressive local viewership ratings, Knight Flower blossomed through its fascinating story made engrossing by Honey Lee. Adding to that is a skillful steering of a narrative and an efficient support from the main cast. Main Leads: Honey Lee | Lee Jong Won | Lee Ki Woo | Park Se...
Our leads are catching up on the ill fate entangling their lives together. They had better keep their eyes peeled, though, as the villainous mastermind isn’t about to let anyone take away his power. If anyone gets in his way, he will get rid of them, family included. Bunny S....
The second half of our story is pretty eventful. Secrets are coming out one by one. Also, the villains’ squad is on the move, though they might not share the same goal anymore. To top it all, we meet a new player who might act like a game-changer and turn...
A sudden murder case hits the capital, getting the wrong man accused of it. Our leads try to handle the situation separately. Though it might be much more efficient to put their heads together. Bunny S. watches Knight Flower on KOCOWA Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04...
The cat is out of the bag. Our officer has figured out our heroine’s dual identity. And he is having the time of his life teasing her about it. Still, no matter how dangerous it is, our leading lady isn’t one to look away from people in need. Bunny S....
Another drama featuring Joseon’s widows is here. And this time, our recent widow on sight climbs over the walls and punishes criminals. Our heroine has kept her dual identity a secret for long. But this all will change once she crosses paths with our officer male lead with super-duper investigation...
MBC’s new series releases latest teasers and details about its lead characters. Flowers That Bloom At Night tells the story of Jo Yeo-hwa, a widow with two faces who is the daughter-in-law of a powerful noble family. She lives quietly without seeing the world outside as a modest virtuous woman...