Lim Ji Yeon is set to take on a groundbreaking role in the historical drama The Tale of Lady Ok, marking yet another dramatic transformation in her acting career. This time, she shifts from playing a slave to embodying a noblewoman, Ok Tae-young, in a story filled with intrigue, deception,...
The Tale of Lady Ok will premiere on K-PLUS starting November 30, Saturday at 11 pm. New episodes will air weekly every Saturday and Sunday at 11 pm (GMT+8) right after Korea’s airing. The Tale of Lady Ok follows the intertwined lives of four enigmatic characters: Lim Ji Yeon, Choo...
JTBC’s upcoming weekend drama, The Tale of Lady Ok is set to captivate audiences with a riveting story of love, loss, and survival. The series, premiering on November 30th, follows the intertwined lives of four enigmatic characters: Lim Ji Yeon, Choo Young Woo, Kim Jae Won, and Yeonwoo. The storyline...
Kim Jae won and Yeonwoo appear as charming lovers in the Joseon era in JTBC’s new weekend drama The Tale of Lady Ok. Set to premiere on November 30, the drama recently released its first stills, featuring Kim Jae Won as Seong Do-gyeom and Yeonwoo as Cha Mi-ryeong. The Tale...
Lim Ji Yeon is set to showcase a completely new side of herself as a runaway slave in the upcoming JTBC drama. On October 23rd, the production team released the first stills of Lim in her role as Gu Deok, a slave who later assumes the identity of the fake...
Ambitious with its riveting concept, SBS drama The Killing Vote is slated to broadcast in August. The series stars Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong and Lim Ji Yeon in the main leads. The Killing Vote narrates the story of tracking down an unknown and elusive extortionist who conducts a...
To be broadcast on August 10, The Killing Vote (LT) will be organized as a once-a-week drama every Thursday. The Killing Vote narrates the story of tracking down an unknown and elusive extortionist who conducts a national death penalty vote on vicious criminals and executes them. It is based on...
With characters who show little to no remorse, The Glory Part 2 serves satisfying closures for both victims and perpetrators. Completing the last phase of revenge, a glorious end awaits those who used to suffer at the hands of their perpetrators. On the receiving end, those who deny guilt until...
Proving her impeccable versatility as an actress, Lim Ji Yeon secured another remarkable character in The Glory Part 2. Lim Ji Yeon who portrayed Park Yeon-jin expressed happiness as the hate she got proved she succeeded in her villain rendition. In an arranged interview by Netflix, the actress shared her...
Hell is about to break loose in The Glory Part 2, thrilling its viewers with its new posters and teaser! Directed by An Gil Ho and written by Kim Eun Sook, The Glory follows the elaborate revenge planned by Moon Dong-eun (Song Hye Kyo), whose youth was ruined by perpetrators...