The sequel to the exciting series headlined by Lee Je Hoon is slated for a new season coming this February 2023! Taxi Driver 2 continues the journey of a team of employees in a deluxe taxi company that helps exploited victims seek revenge on their offenders. K-Drama Review: “Taxi Driver”...
Well-loved for popularizing K-Dark Hero syndrome, Taxi Driver 2 will begin production in earnest for its targeted airing next year! Reprising their roles, Lee Je Hoon, Kim Ui Seong, Pyo Ye Jin, Jang Hyuk Jin and Bae Yoo Ram return as Rainbow Taxi Revenge Service team. In Taxi Driver, a team...
Consistently enthralling, SBS drama Taxi Driver featured merciless villains who wreak havoc sparingly while the heroes fought them valiantly! Taking the 16-episode ride of Taxi Driver was a satisfying feat. Well-contrived and stellarly-portrayed, the series ensured that its side stories are relevant and the big picture was properly concluded. Main...