The first stills of Ji Sung in two distinct roles for Adamas released! Adamas is set to be broadcast for the first time on July 27th. In this work, the two characters of Ji Sung strive to extricate their biological father from being framed. The series is about twin brothers, who...
Exhibiting his acting prowess, Ji Sung is ready to awe viewers as he transforms into twin brothers for tvN’s new thriller drama, Adamas. Lining up a solid cast, including Ji Sung, tvN’s Adamas is set to introduce powerful synergies of actors on July 27. Joining the remarkable actor are Seo Ji Hye (Sixth...
Ji Sung, Seo Ji Hye, Lee Soo Kyung, Heo Sung Tae, and Oh Dae Hwan star in the new tvN series, Adamas! tvN’s new mystery and thriller drama Adamas has finally completed its dream cast. Director Park Seung Woo (Kairos, The Guardians) helms the series. In addition, Writer Choi Tae Kang...
tvN has confirmed the lead cast of its new project, Adamas. Adamas (WT) spins the story of twin brothers fighting against evil to unearth the truth behind what happened 22 years ago. The incident involves their biological father being framed for the death of their stepfather. Ji Sung, Seo Ji...
The Devil Judge proves that life is a great trial between good and evil. Following the story of a chief judge who presides in a live courtroom trial, he punishes corrupt politicians and businessmen through the votes of people. Main Characters: Ji Sung | Park Jinyoung | Kim Min Jung...
Viu brings Viu-ers binge-worthy rom-com and legal dramas to stream and to enjoy this July & August! The Hongkong-based streaming platform, Viu, adds fierce and bold dramas to check out this month. Currently, The Devil Judge and The Penthouse 3 are stories not to be missed. In case you missed recent...
Kang Yo-han sparks a war between the leaders of the Social Responsibility Foundation in The Devil Judge. Yo-han tries to prepare his ultimate plan to bring down the corrupt leaders of the Social Responsibility Foundation. Ga-on reminisces his tragic past and is ready to team up with Yo-han to heal...
The dystopian and twisted trial begins in the opening week of The Devil Judge. The Devil Judge threads on a fictional dystopian world wherein justice are served through a live courtroom show and the whole nation is involved. This satire and action-filled drama will mind-twist the viewers. It took the...
For an amazing drama-spree experience with friends or loved ones, catch this upcoming Asian series lineup this July! From thrilling and heart-fluttering narratives to awesome narratives; the roster of Asian dramas on Viu would surely delight you next month. The Devil Judge The highly anticipated legal drama The Devil Judge...
The Devil Judge showcases the courage, fearlessness, and love of Park Gyu Young as Yoon Soo Hyun. tvN’s new Saturday-Sunday legal drama released photo stills of the charismatic Park Gyu Young. The Devil Judge narrates the story of a chaotic and unjust society in Korea. The collapsing city will achieve peace...