This year’s highly-anticipated action-adventure mystery thriller Jirisan, an iQiyi original and exclusive K-drama series, has completed shooting! The star-studded series will be exclusively broadcast on iQiyi International ( & app) later this year. Directed by Lee Eung-bok (Mr. Sunshine) and written by Kim Eun-hee (Kingdom and Signal), the series completed...
It’s a jam-packed lineup for tvN dramas in the second stretch of 2021! Eagerly-awaited series plus small-screen returns of top actors are underway to please the ever-growing fandom. 11 new stories will be featured in this robust drama parade. Hospital Playlist 2 Kicking off the parade is the well-loved drama...
Wobbly for the most part of its run, Item achieved a happy ending despite the path to reach it was blurry. Past the halfway mark of Item, I knew that I had stayed watching it because of the efforts of the main actors. Item would go down to the history...
If there is one cute necessity surplus that has not been neglected in this world, that would be having talented Korean actors. For the thriving K-Drama fan base, followers are blessed with a plethora of Korean drama actors gifting sweet and superb television series. Keeping career longevity for Korean actors...
It has been years since the modern royal romance story of Princess Hours. Yet, its love magic still endures. Ju Ji Hoon and Yoon Eun Hye’s love pairing in Princess Hours was a mega hit when it aired in 2006. It pictures an endearing princess story that has spawned early...
After 10 years, Ju Ji Hoon left KeyEast Entertainment. He moved to H& Entertainment founded by Hong Min Ki, former Vice President of Keyeast. Hong Min Ki has been in charge of the actor since 2011, thus forming an established relationship with him. The agency delights to the partnership with...
Admirably successful in the roster of K-Dramas this year, SBS has scored two highest-rated series this season. Honoring the hard work of the production team and actors, the 2020 SBS Drama Awards was held on December 31 at SBS Prism Tower in Seoul. Shin Dong Yup and Kim Yoo Jung...
From music, resonating characters, standout stories – and all else in between; 2020 Korean Dramas have endowed us with brave and inspiring series. With the global pandemic situation, a significant rise in popularity is inevitable as international streaming platforms also made moves to improve their respective curated Korean Dramas available...
Perched on a comfortable position, Korean dramas continue to flourish between the years covering 2006 and 2009. In these years, regular followers of Korean dramas have set an attachment and developed a forbearing attitude. More K-Drama content either legitimately or fan-subbed have been available online. Replacing the melodrama years is...
The stars who brought the smashing hit zombie series on Netflix confirm appearance in entertainment show, Hangout with Yoo. Confirming the recording participation today, actor Ju Ji Hoon and writer Kim Eun Hee are set to meet national MC Yoo Jae Suk and Jo Se Ho in the popular variety...