Award-winning Korean pop idol Jisoo talks about her feelings working with Jung Hae In on their upcoming drama Snowdrop. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and...
Prior to its grand premiere, JTBC’s Snowdrop teases a dramatic atmosphere and introduces the characters in a one-minute trailer. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho, a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro, a female university student who hides and treats him in the...
Capturing the main leads’ momentous meeting, JTBC’s Snowdrop reveals the dramatic stills between Jung Hae In and Jisoo. In the photos released by the production team, Im Su-ho (Jung Hae In) and Eun Young-ro (Kim Jisoo) were seen hugging each other. Indeed, it is a scene in which an apprehensive...
Flashing arresting character posters of its lead pairing, Snowdrop prepares for a sweet and emotional romance. Set in 1987, Snowdrop narrates the story of Su-ho, a prestigious university student who hides in a women’s university dormitory. He meets Young-ro, a female university student, who hides and treats him in the...
As South Korea tears itself apart in the midst of a democratic movement, can Young Ro and Su Ho stay together? Upcoming JTBC drama Snowdrop has released a teaser video earlier today, featuring the main leads (played by Jung Hae In and BLACKPINK’s Jisoo) about to hold hands. Created by the...
A new teaser image of Snowdrop showcasing a heart-fluttering moment between Jung Hae In and Jisoo has been released! Confirming its first broadcast on December 18, upcoming JTBC Saturday drama Snowdrop unveils a new teaser. In the newly released poster, Su-ho, portrayed by Jung Hae In, stares somewhere with a...
It’s a December launch for the eagerly awaited romance series Snowdrop! Starring Jung Hae In and Kim Jisoo, JTBC’s newest drama offering, Snowdrop, confirmed its broadcast premiere in December along with its first teaser poster. In the unveiled image, the series’ lead couple is shown dancing together in the background...
Qualifying military service rule-breaking that is deserving of a reprieve is generally what was tackled in D.P. Depicting military life grievances from the perspectives of the military deserters and the special team tracking them, D.P. explored the ugly experiences that led soldiers to leave the military camp. Main Cast: Jung...
Since stealing our hearts with his breakout performance in Something in the Rain, Jung Hae In has cemented his position as a sought-after versatile male lead. Powering nuanced portrayals from his supporting and lead roles, his rise to prominence is without recourse. Impressively, the actor is showing no other way...
SALUTE! D.P. lead stars shared thoughts about the highly-anticipated Netflix series and we definitely should not miss it! Lead cast Jung Hae In, Koo Kyo Hwan, Kim Sung Kyun and Son Kuk Ku joined Director Han Jun Hee at the recently held press conference hosted by Netflix. D.P. is a...