Friendly Rivalry is set to premiere on February 10th, offering viewers an exhilarating blend of mystery, suspense, and psychological tension. Directed by Kim Tae-hee and written by Kim Tae-hee alongside Min Ye-ji, Friendly Rivalry is a gripping thriller that explores the complex relationships between teenage girls in a competitive academic...
The teaser poster for Friendly Rivalry is out, and is already heating things up! Scheduled to premiere on U+ Mobile TV and U+ TV on February 10th, this mystery thriller revolves around the life of Seul-gi, a transfer student at the elite Chae Hwa Girls’ High School, where the pressure...
LG Uplus’ content studio, STUDIO X+U, is set to debut its first project in 2025. Created by STUDIO X+U and produced in collaboration with Ylab Flex, this high-teen mystery thriller explores the intense and precarious relationships among teenage girls in a survival competition that is more grueling than college entrance...
Challenging an interesting character, Im Si Wan readies to paint the tale of Byung-tae in Once Upon A Boyhood. Set in 1989, Boyhood tells the story of Jang Byung-tae, a loser whose life goal is not to be bullied. Moving to a new school, he transforms into the school’s best...
Along with its main poster release, Coupang Play’s Boyhood also confirms its premiere on November 24. Set in 1989, Boyhood tells the story of Jang Byung-tae, a loser whose life goal is not to be bullied. Moving to a new school, he transforms into the school’s best boy overnight. It...
The new Coupang Play series has confirmed its release in November and drops more stills highlighting its lead stars. Set in 1989, Boyhood tells the story of Jang Byung-tae, a loser whose life goal is not to be bullied. Moving to a new school, he transforms into the school’s best...
Wavve’s new youth drama, Seasons of Blossom, draws attention with released new posters featuring its vibrant cast. Wavve’s original drama Seasons of Blossom, based on a webtoon of the same name, started serialization in 2020, exploding in popularity on Naver, thereafter. It is co-produced by Playlist, Jaedam Media, and Corpus Korea, content...
Meet the five main characters of Wavve’s new webtoon-based Korean drama! Set to premiere as a Wavve original series in September, PLAYLIST unveiled on July 6 the lead roles for the new drama Seasons of Blossom. Seo Ji Hoon, So Ju Yeon, Kim Min Kyu, Kang Hye-won, and Yoon Hyeon-soo will...