For its opening week salvo, Park Eun Bin is surely a gift in Extraordinary Attorney Woo! Portraying a unique lawyer, the actress has made such a convincing pitch to watch her journey in the series. Joined by a talented lead cast, this new series from ENA makes an engrossing courtroom...
Wearing her corporate attire, Park Eun Bin is ready to showcase the amazing mind of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Set in the survival of a large law firm, Extraordinary Attorney Woo tells the story of South Korea’s smartest lawyer, Woo Young Woo (Park Eun Bin). Despite having an IQ of 164, she has...
Uniquely drawing an interesting legal drama, the cameras are ready to capture Weird Lawyer Woo Young-woo. The new series by ENA Channel and Netflix is directed by Yoo In-sik (Dr. Romantic, Vagabond) and penned by Moon Ji-won. Rounding up the main cast are Jeon Bae Soo, Baek Ji Won, Jin Kyung,...