Saying goodbye to their roles, The Law Cafe stars express their thoughts as the drama ends. Directed by Lee Eun Jin, The Law Cafe depicts the romance between Kim Jung-ho (Lee Seung Gi) a former prosecutor, and passionate lawyer Kim Yu-ri (Lee Se Young), who has been his crush for...
Living up to its genre slice-of-life, Today’s Webtoon successfully depicts the different depths of each character’s points of view. Today’s Webtoon began with a classic humorous narrative. However, as the story progresses, different resonating moments of each character’s points of view and story are revealed. Moreover, the series illustrates how...
The NEON Webtoon Team is undergoing yet another dilemma with their artists. Moreover, Ma-eum seems to have a hard time working with Dae-ryuk in Episode 13 of Today’s Webtoon. With the recent revelation on the last episode of Today’s Webtoon, Jun-yeong finally tells Ma-eum why he’s been seeing Director Heo...
Offering a fresh and promising storyline, Today’s Webtoon showcases and explores behind the scenes in the webtoon office world. The new SBS drama, Today’s Webtoon, aspiringly takes the series as an opportunity to share how editors and writers work together to upload comics on a daily basis. In reality, the editors...