Monstrous delivers a suspenseful and chilling drama that will fascinate viewers who enjoy horror and gore. Following the story of a cursed Buddha that caused chaos and fear in a remote town, TVING’s dark-themed series Monstrous is written by Ryu Yong Jae and Director Yeon Sang Ho who previously produced...
At the recent drama presentation, the lead pairing of Link: Eat, Love, Kill expressed their nostalgic stories about being part of the drama. Premiering on June 6, tvN’s new fantasy drama Link: Eat, Love, Kill is ready to serve audiences a warm and chemistry-filled drama. The recent event was attended by Director...
Monstrous unveils new character posters exuding a dark atmosphere. Scheduled to premiere on April 29, TVing original series, Monstrous releases new character posters showcasing each character in the dark while lost in the chaos, fear, and madness. With the collaboration of director Jang Kun Jae and writers Yeon Sang Ho...
Melancholia unveils how mathematicians see the world differently along with the lawbreaking actions of people with wealth and power. The drama tells us the story of a math teacher and a student who are both skilled in the subject of Mathematics. One day, they were framed up in having a romantic...
With the ongoing investigation, Seung-Yoo and Yoon-Soo slowly unveil the prejudices happening at Asung High School in the 14th episode of Melancholia. Meanwhile, Principal Noh succeeds in becoming the new director of their family business but her happiness was hindered by an unexpected happening. Sammmeh_ watched Melancholia on iQiyi Episode Recaps:1 & 2 | 3...
After Principal Noh’s corruption was revealed, she remains vigilant continuing her unrighteous ways to gain power in the latest episode of Melancholia. Meanwhile, Yoon-Soo comforted Seung-Yoo from all the noise and issues that they are facing right now. Sammmeh_ watched Melancholia on iQiyi Episode Recaps:1 & 2 | 3 & 4 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |12 | 13 | 14 | Series Review...
After Seung-Yoo publicized the rumored photo years ago and revealed the truth, Principal Noh remained unshaken in the latest episode of Melancholia. Meanwhile, Ye-Rin confessed her feelings to Seung-Yoo but his heart still hopes for Yoon-Soo Sammmeh_ watched Melancholia on iQiyi Episode Recaps:1 & 2 | 3 & 4 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |12 | 13 | 14 | Series Review | Melancholia Episode...
Little by little, Principal Noh found out that Yoon-Soo is back. In the latest episode of Melancholia, Yoon-Soo builds up her courage to face Principal Noh after several years. Meanwhile, Seung-Yoo used his platform as one of Asung High School’s teachers to expose what happened years ago. Sammmeh_ watched Melancholia on iQiyi Episode Recaps:1 &...
Yoon-Soo’s world continues to get smaller as Principal Noh already knew that she was back again in the latest episode of Melancholia. Meanwhile, little by little, the stony heart of Yoon-Soo turns soft towards Seung-Yoo and learns to open up again about the resentment that she feels to the issue...
Seung-Yoo continues with his ways to uncover the injustices happening at Asung high school in the 9th episode of Melancholia. With this, Seung-Yoo pursues Yoon-Soo to work together with him. However, Yoon-Soo was firm that she can execute her plan without the help of Seung-Yoo. Sammmeh_ watched Melancholia on iQiyi Episode Recaps:1 & 2 | 3...