tvN’s upcoming weekend drama is set to blast off into a cosmic adventure! When The Stars Gossip will take viewers on an intergalactic journey filled with humor, heart, and a whole lot of extraterrestrial intrigue. Written by Seo Sook-hyang and directed by Park Shin-woo, this exciting new series is Korea’s...
The male lead of Missing Crown Prince shared viewing points ahead of the first broadcast on April 13. Missing Crown Prince is a creative collaboration between director Kim Jin-man, who worked on classic Korean romantic comedies The Greatest Love and Kill Me, Heal Me, and writers Kim Ji-soo and Park...
MBN’s new weekend mini-series Missing Crown Prince, scheduled to be aired for the first time on March 9, released the main poster featuring Suho, Hong Ye Ji, Myung Se Bin, Kim Joo Hun, and Kim Min Kyu. Missing Crown Prince is a creative collaboration between director Kim Jin-man, who worked...
Embellished with life lessons, stunning music and heartfelt portrayals, Castaway Diva provides comfort and solace for people who are scared to claim long-wanted personal wins. An inspiring treat to cap off a tiresome year, this Park Eun Bin starrer would encourage you to reach for your endeavors because there’s not...
Facing their respective truths and lies, Mok-ha and Bo-geol brave their choices in the 5th week of Castaway Diva. Ran-ju stakes her all for Mok-ha’s debut album in exchange for not selling her albums anymore. Kang family also faces an inevitable problem. abbyinhallyuland watched Castaway Diva on Netflix Episode Recaps:...
A step closer to her dream, Mok-ha hesitates knowing the threat that would impact the people who matter to her in Castaway Diva. She also faces off against Eun Mo-rae, the now-popular pop star who benefited from her being stranded on an island. abbyinhallyuland watched Castaway Diva on Netflix Episode...
Mok-ha and Ran-joo are on a Herculean task to defeat Seo-jun’s evil manipulation in the 3rd week of Castaway Diva. Woo-hak’s memories also returned and he struggles to find the best way to once and for all solve his daddy issues. abbyinhallyuland watched Castaway Diva on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01...
Finally meeting a fan, she once wanted to mentor, Yoon Ran-joo made a declaration of helping Mok-ha pursue her belated dream in Castaway Diva. However, there are problems in the past and bigger disappointments at present that they have to confront first. abbyinhallyuland watched Castaway Diva on Netflix Episode Recaps:...
Leaving an encouragement that the world is not a lonely place, Castaway Diva charms with stories of hope, empathy and friendship in its launch week. As good as it was advertised, the series promises a feel-good and heartwarming narrative that can become a weekly habit. abbyinhallyuland watched Castaway Diva on...
Castaway Diva female lead Park Eun Bin challenges a new role that would see her dance, sing and speak in dialect, will she be able to create another memorable character? Castaway Diva narrates the story of Mok-ha, an aspiring singer who was rescued from a deserted island after 15 years....