With a touch of nostalgia in its reunion-romance story, Love Your Enemy offers a charming and modest narrative, making it an ideal choice for your weekend K-Drama binge. In this new tvN series, high school sweethearts are set for a poignant reconnection 18 years after their painful breakup. abbyinhallyuland watches...
This fall, high school sweethearts are set for a dramatic reunion 18 years after their painful breakup in Love Your Enemy, a fresh romantic comedy series premiering November 23 on Disney+. Seok Jiwon and Yoon Jiwon, born on the same day to rival families, defied the odds to fall in...
Ju Ji Hoon and Jung Yu Mi’s chemistry in Love Your Enemy raises fans’ excitement! Love Your Enemy centers around the intricate and tumultuous relationship between Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won, two individuals who not only share the same name but also were born on the same day. Compounding their...
The lead stars of tvN’s new weekend series Love Your Enemy is all set for a romantic blast! The drama centers around the intricate and tumultuous relationship between Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won, two individuals who not only share the same name but also were born on the same day....
Love Your Enemy confirms premiere date on November 23, taking the coveted tvN weekend time slot. This exciting new tvN drama centers around the intricate and tumultuous relationship between Seok Ji-won and Yoon Ji-won, two individuals who not only share the same name but also were born on the same...
Director Lee Kwangyoung reveals interesting stories and insights about Call It Love in this written interview. Disney+ original revenge-romance series Call It Love is about two people entwined with revenge but fell in love. Previously, Director Lee profoundly expressed the message she wants to convey at the press conference. “I...
Woo-joo is on a seesaw of emotions regarding the revenge she’s plotting as she perceives Dong-jin’s precarious situation in the 2nd week of Call It Love. More details on Dong-jin’s past emerge as the woman who broke his heart returns, showing concern about him. abbyinhallyuland watches Call It Love on...
Once the events of the first two episodes of Call It Love settled in your thoughts, you’ll have this urge of rooting for how the lead characters can emancipate themselves from their inner pains. Flowing to an unhurried vibe, the new Disney+ original series offers a peek at a unique...
Call It Love asserts that revenge can be translated as motivation to claim inner peace. Disney+ original revenge-romance series Call It Love is about two people entwined with revenge but fell in love. Attended by Lee Sung Kyoung, Kim Young Kwang, Sung Joon, Ahn Hee Yeon, Kim Ye Won and...
Revealing more details of its lead cast, Call It Love unveils new posters of the main leads. All set to drop on February 22 on Disney+ – the eagerly-awaited series charms with the latest teasers. Disney+ original revenge-romance series Call It Love tells the story of a man and a woman...