Hong-joo and Lee Yeon solve the concerns of indigenous gods that Taluipa disregards in the 8th episode of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938. Concerns also haunt Lee Rang and Moo-young who both can’t let go of their special affection to their brothers. abbyinhallyuland watches Tale of the Nine Tailed...
Three old friends and former mountain gods are reunited in the 6th and 7th episodes of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938. While dealing with the ghosts from their past, they work together to defeat a skillful demon. However, there are pains that can be shrugged off no matter what....
As character motivations are revealed in the 5th episode of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938, a preview of expected showdowns and betrayals is also shared. Hong-joo together with the Lee brothers manages to protect the deity of fortune and secure the map to where gold treasures abound. abbyinhallyuland watches...
Having no luck in his mission to find the red-white masked man, Lee Yeon stumbles on a lucky baby instead in the 4th episode of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938. Shin-ju also meets Eun-ho the journalist, who is his wife’s counterpart in 1938. abbyinhallyuland watches Tale of the Nine...
Unsettled grudges that sprang from an unfulfilled friendship vow test Lee Yeon’s mettle in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938. Torn between her two friends, Hong-joo’s mercurial temperament heightens the tension in the series. Also, Lee Rang creates a connection with a half-human-half-mermaid aspiring singer named Yeo-hee. abbyinhallyuland watches Tale...
Amidst a lot of things going on in the launch week of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938, the series kept its charming and engrossing vibe flowing. Making no apologies for its ambitious K-Action-Fantasy story, Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 assures a promising spectacle for K-Drama fans each week....
Following a beckoning image from the hero of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938, a new teaser introduced the headlining characters. Tale of the Nine Tailed which received great love by showing the charm of K-Fantasy unravels its second story after three years. Taking its signature flavor, Tale of the Nine-tailed...
Having someone to connect with is not as easy as it seems, and Somebody took it to another level and gave it a sinister turn. Directed by Jung Ji Woo and written by Han Ji Wan, Somebody explores themes of loneliness and online dating in the modern world. Main Cast:...
Netflix series Somebody held an outdoor open forum at Busan Cinema Center where the 27th Busan International Film Festival is being held. Director Jung Ji-woo, Kim Young Kwang, Kim Yong Ji, Kang Hae Lim, and Kim Su Yeon attended the event. Notably, this will be Director Jung’s first web series....
Mystery-thriller drama Somebody preps to give the viewers a new story centering on the use of social networking app. Directed by Jung Ji Woo and written by Han Ji Wan, Somebody revolves around the usage of many people in a specific social media application. Kim Young Kwang plays the role of Sung...