Ranked first in the pre-order rate and second in the overall pre-order rate for films, A Christmas Carol revealed things to expect from the movie. A Christmas Carol is an action, thriller, psychological movie directed by Kim Sung Soo starring Park Jin Young (Yumi’s Cells 2, The Devil Judge), Kim...
Abundant in comical relief, drama and action, the series lived up to its promises. A fresh and bold take indeed to military and courtroom drama. The casts of Military Prosecutor Doberman owned their characters. Even artists with minor and guest roles added flair to all 16 episodes. What is more, the storyline...
Thirsty for justice, Captain Do Be Man and Captain Cha Woo In are geared up to harness retribution. Picking up from the midst of the fabricated mine-hero story fiasco, Military Prosecutor Doberman delivers plot twists and satisfying feats of characters. More importantly, episodes 9&10 tackle more sensitive themes that are alarming....
Captain Do Bae Man and Captain Cha Woo In finally join forces to eliminate all the perpetrators dominating the 4th Infantry Division in the Military. Captain Do Bae Man (Ahn Bo Hyun) and Captain Cha Woo In (Jo Bo Ah) kept dropping revelation bombs in episodes 7 and 8 of...
Ahn Bo Hyun, Jo Bo Ah, Oh Yeon Soo, Kim Young Min, and Kim Woo Suk are set to star in the upcoming courtroom drama about military prosecutors. Directed by Jin Chang Gyu and written by Yoon Hyun Ho, 군검사 도베르만 Military Prosecutor Doberman (LT) narrates the story of two...
Coming a bit bland for its opening chapters, I hope the next episodes would pump up the promising picture of Private Lives. I struggled finishing the first two episodes of Private Lives because I was expecting some smartly sketched caper elements. Instead, a faint melodrama tracing the female lead’s swindler...
Go Kyung Pyo, Seohyun, Kim Hyo Jin and Kim Young Min are all set to scheme cons in new series Private Lives! jTBC probably is my favorite network in terms of how they promote their dramas. Just like how they did in Private Lives, it undeniably piqued my interest on...