ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Love, is poised to captivate audiences with its refreshing take on love and relationships. Set to debut on November 4, Brewing Love follows the lives of a top saleswoman for a liquor company who hides her emotions and a sensitive brewery CEO who intuitively picks...
Kim Sejeong and Lee Jong Won are set to captivate audiences with their portrayal of a romantic relationship that intensifies under the influence of alcohol. The production team of ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Romance (directed by Park Seon-ho and written by Lee Jung-shin), has released two teaser posters and...
Promising a heartwarming and exciting love story, the series also stars Baek Sung Chul and Shin Do Hyun. The upcoming ENA drama, Drunken Romance 취하는 로맨스 will follow the unlikely pairing of a passionate liquor saleswoman and a sensitive brewery owner. Their relationship, as different as the tastes and aromas of...
Get ready for a summer of romance and drama! The upcoming Korean series Bad Memory Eraser has confirmed its cast, and it’s a star-studded lineup. Fans can look forward to seeing Kim Jaejoong return to the small screen after a 7-year hiatus. He’ll be joined by Jin Se Yeon, who’s...
Notching impressive local viewership ratings, Knight Flower blossomed through its fascinating story made engrossing by Honey Lee. Adding to that is a skillful steering of a narrative and an efficient support from the main cast. Main Leads: Honey Lee | Lee Jong Won | Lee Ki Woo | Park Se...
Our leads are catching up on the ill fate entangling their lives together. They had better keep their eyes peeled, though, as the villainous mastermind isn’t about to let anyone take away his power. If anyone gets in his way, he will get rid of them, family included. Bunny S....
The second half of our story is pretty eventful. Secrets are coming out one by one. Also, the villains’ squad is on the move, though they might not share the same goal anymore. To top it all, we meet a new player who might act like a game-changer and turn...
A sudden murder case hits the capital, getting the wrong man accused of it. Our leads try to handle the situation separately. Though it might be much more efficient to put their heads together. Bunny S. watches Knight Flower on KOCOWA Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04...
The cat is out of the bag. Our officer has figured out our heroine’s dual identity. And he is having the time of his life teasing her about it. Still, no matter how dangerous it is, our leading lady isn’t one to look away from people in need. Bunny S....
Another drama featuring Joseon’s widows is here. And this time, our recent widow on sight climbs over the walls and punishes criminals. Our heroine has kept her dual identity a secret for long. But this all will change once she crosses paths with our officer male lead with super-duper investigation...