Stuck in an arranged marriage, Jung Chae Yeon plays Na Joo-hee, who dreams to escape her fate as in MBC’s Golden Spoon. Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden...
Along with a teaser poster, MBC’s Golden Spoon confirmed its premiere date! Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, Golden Spoon tells the life adventure story of a child born in a poor family, who obtained a golden spoon. Thereafter his fate changed with a friend who...
Presenting the confirmed ensemble cast of Golden Spoon, MBC intends to enchant viewers with a story revolving around money and desire. Slated for release in the second half of 2022, Golden Spoon narrates the story of a child born into a poor family who eventually becomes a wealthy family due...
Feeling down with the experience of betrayal, XX demonstrates how to rise from one’s lowest moment in life. Breaking free from the chains of the past opens a lot of doors. Strong independent women in XX face their issues in the past, and succeed in their careers. Main Cast: Ahn...