Big names, thrilling action, and spectacular scenes are expected to color Badland Hunters! Netflix has greenlit the production of the upcoming blockbuster Badland Hunters featuring Don Lee, the iconic figure celebrated for his roles in monumental titles such as Train to Busan, The Roundup, and Marvel’s Eternals. The story unfolds...
It’s a feast of Korean heartthrobs at AAA 2023! Presented by PULP Live World, StarNews, and TONZ Entertainment, for its 8th year, AAA shall be held in the hottest country in Southeast Asia that boasts its loudest, warmest, and most significant fan base in K-culture, the Philippines. Considered Asia’s Oscars...
TVING announces the casting of the actors in a hybrid romantic comedy titled, I Openly Dream of Cinderella (LT). The romcom series tells the story of a woman who decides to become Cinderella after hitting the wall of reality and meets a tycoon prince on a white horse who does...
Reconciling life-affirming lessons from heartening and regretful stories of departed people, May I Help You offers therapeutic moments delivered convincingly by its vibrant and perceptive cast. Braving the pain of losing someone permanently is elaborated genuinely in the series along with the understanding that we have to live happily after...
The penultimate week of May I Help You saw an unexpected and dismal revelation that breaks Tae-hee’s heart and endangers Dong-joo. With three more souls to send off, the aftermath of Dong-joo’s life after her missions raises curiosity as well. abbyinhallyuland watched May I Help You on Prime Video Episode...
Dong-joo and Tae-hee finally discovered the connection they have through Jun-ho in the latest episodes of May I Help You. Agonizingly, Chung-ha also found a way to move on and accept that she can’t win back the heart of her old lover. Another revelation is also set to break Tae-hee’s...
Brimming with love confessions, the 5th week of May I Help You commences the road to romance for Tae-hee and Dong-joo. At the same time, sprinkles of one-sided love also layered the story. While one accepts that his affection can’t be returned graciously, the other is having a hard time...
Finally expressing his withheld pain, Tae-hee shared how he blames himself for his younger brother’s death in the 8th episode of May I Help You. As the past haunts him and so is his ex-girlfriend who is determined to mend their estranged relationship. abbyinhallyuland watched May I Help You on...
Dong-joo and Tae-hee spent a night stranded outside the city in episode 7 of May I Help You. By sharing more personal details, their connection keeps growing. But can it be sustained if Tae-hee’s former fiancée is keen to win him back? abbyinhallyuland watched May I Help You on Prime...
The friendship and connection between Tae-hee and Dong-joo continue to improve in the 6th episode of May I Help You. Opening up to each other on random things about themselves, they also seize the moments to be there for each other to help and encourage, or just do what one...