A dysfunctional family takes on villains in Coupang Play’s newest series! “Today feels more like a family than yesterday.” This phrase perfectly encapsulates the essence of Family Matters, a highly anticipated Coupang Play series that explores the concept of family through an unconventional lens. The show stars Bae Doona, Ryu...
The newly released trailer for Family Plan, a Coupang Play Original series, has already captivated viewers, sparking high expectations. Family Plan centers on a mother with an extraordinary power to edit memories, who teams up with her family to take down villains uniquely unpredictable. This series promises a compelling mix...
Slated for a 2025 release, I’m Human From Today (LT) is set to be a unique romantic comedy with a twist, exploring the story of a gumiho who refuses to become human and a world-renowned soccer star who inadvertently loses his greatest wish to the mystical creature. This drama will...
The Coupang Play series Family Planning unveils captured moments at a recent table-read. Family Planning is a story about people with special abilities who disguise themselves as family members to survive and use unique methods to overcome the vicious criminals who threaten them. At the script reading site, the creators...
A soul-switching reversal romance is up for Kim Ji Eun and Lomon in Branding in Seongsu. Branding in Seongsu is a 24-episode workplace fantasy romance starring Kim Ji Eun (Longing for You, One Dollar Lawyer, Again My Life, Doctor Prisoner), Lomon (All of Us Are Dead, Revenge of Others, Revenge...
A character relationship guide was released by the production team of Branding In Seongsu-dong to acquaint viewers more about the series. This relationship chart provides a glimpse into the relationships between various characters. Billed as a relationship reversal romance thriller, Branding in Seongsu-dong depicts what happens when the souls of...
In the new series, Lomon plays a righteous MZ intern who doesn’t know how to lie. Billed as a relationship reversal romance thriller, Branding in Seongsu-dong depicts what happens when the souls of the prickly marketing team leader Kang Na-eon and the adorable intern So Eun-ho change. In the play,...
Bae Doona, Ryu Seung Bum, Baek Yun Sik, Lomon, and Lee Soo Hyun are confirmed lead cast of Coupang Play’s new series. Family Planning is a story about people with special abilities who disguise themselves as family members in order to survive and use unique methods to overcome the vicious...
Kim Ji Eun and Lomon star in new U+Mobile TV’s original drama. Billed as a relationship reversal romance thriller, Branding in Seongsu-dong depicts what happens when the souls of the prickly marketing team leader Kang Na-eon and the adorable intern So Eun-ho change. In the play, Kim Ji Eun plays...
Addressing the social issues that leave emotional pain on its victims, Revenge of Others aims to console the mistreated. Despite its heavy atmosphere, Revenge Of Others provides a satisfying watch. It courageously portrayed timely societal challenges that young people face. It also did not shy away from showing the broken...