“Do you really want something fun?” This question opens the zany teaser trailer for The 8 Show, a thrilling new Netflix series that follows eight individuals trapped in a mysterious 8-story building, participating in a high-stakes show where the prize money goes up the longer they stay. Already attracting attention...
Netflix’s The 8 Show is confirmed to be released on May 17th. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens while participating in a sweet...
Renowned filmmaker Director Han Jae-rim’s first series, The 8 Show will be released on Netflix next year. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens...
When the Weather is Fine shares warmth that can melt frozen hearts wounded from the past. Other than snow, When the Weather is Fine portrays how the cold reality can also numb people who once used to be optimistic. It radiates a warm narrative that gradually progresses into a story...
Times piques interest from the get go! Its neat and enthralling narrative heightens on its second week! Picking up from the events on its opening week, Times moves to an even more exciting setting. Seo Jung-in (Lee Joo Young) thought she was able to save her father by communicating with...
Times – OCN’s latest offering awes with an enthusing pace and thrilling storyline. Waking up to a different life than what she remembers, a woman conspires with a reporter living five years from her time. If this intrigues you in writing, much more if you watch it. Opening Week Rating:...
Scheduled to run for 12 episodes, Times will be the first weekend drama for OCN. It features a time warp premise about a man and a woman living in different timelines. Living five years apart, they will connect to save the looming death of the nation’s president. Confirmed for the...