Actors Jang Ki Yong, Cha Seung Won, Park Hee Soon, Roh Jeong Eui, and Kim Dae Myung have officially confirmed their roles in the upcoming series and the production has now entered full-scale filming. Pigpen (WT) is a mystery thriller directed and written by Kim Sang-man, based on the popular...
Along with a teaser poster and trailer, the new series from esteemed director Yeon Sang-ho, declares a launch date. Slated for January 19 premiere, The Bequeathed narrates the story of a series of ominous events that transpire when a woman inherits a mountain left behind by his uncle whom he...
SBS new Monday-Tuesday drama, Trolley held an online drama presentation. Attended by the creative team and lead actors, the series is scheduled to premiere on December 19. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the...
Vaunting the character posters, Trolley previews the connections that will transpire in the series. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lives with a hidden past. But her secret...
Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lives with a hidden past. But her secret gets revealed to the world. It boasts the creative team of Kim Moon-gyo who worked...
Enticing viewers, the new SBS Monday-Tuesday melodrama, Trolley, gravitates with revealed intriguing teasers. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lived with her past hidden. But her secret gets revealed...
Presenting what comes after desperate decisions, A Model Family examines humans’ motivation for evil. In a world where money is a necessity, morality, familial ties, and loyalty are readily disposable. Depicting a situation where one prioritizes family despite involvement in evil, A Model Family offers a slow-burn story of a...
Infused with betrayal and revenge, My Name delves into a mind-blowing narrative of a woman’s best-served vengeance. For powerfully conveying its retaliation-seeking female heroine, this series deserves an award for the “best self-serving action” as well as convincing viewers with its engrossing moments in each episode. My Name also masterfully...
Soon to drop its enthralling story, My Name lead cast shared fond memories and details of the jaw-dropping protagonist, and we couldn’t be more excited to witness it! Director Kim Jin Min, with prominent cast members Han So Hee, Park Hee Soon, Ahn Bo Hyun, Kim Sang Ho, Lee Hak...
Unfolding the narrative of a vindictive and desperate heroine, Netflix’s series My Name premieres on October 15. At the recent Netflix press conference, the ensemble cast of My Name, along with its director, voiced their experiences about the preparations and behind-the-scenes of the series. The said event was attended by director...