The surprising combination of music and murder magically works for I Wanna Hear Your Song. Revolving around the mysterious death of pianist Kim Ian, the different characters of the drama struggle to recover. Most importantly, they all try to handle the aftermath of the death. But suspicion and doubt bubble...
To be helmed by acclaimed director Lee Soo Yeon of Stranger series fame; the series also stars Lee Hee Jun, Lee Moo Saeng and Park Ji Yeon. 지배종 Dominant Species (LT) depicts the story of a new age of artificially cultured meat. It explores a world where food is eaten as...
Presenting what comes after desperate decisions, A Model Family examines humans’ motivation for evil. In a world where money is a necessity, morality, familial ties, and loyalty are readily disposable. Depicting a situation where one prioritizes family despite involvement in evil, A Model Family offers a slow-burn story of a...
Lee Joon, Kang Han Na, Jang Hyuk, Park Ji Yeon, Heo Sung Tae, Ha Do Kwon, and Choi Ri share their experiences of filming KBS2’s Bloody Heart. Another upcoming historical drama, Bloody Heart, is slated to premiere on May 2. Director Yoo Young Eun (Queen Of Mystery, Manhole) and Writer Park Pil...
Netflix confirmed the production of its new series A Model Family with an impressive cast lineup. A Model Family is the story of a man on the verge of bankruptcy and divorce who stumbles upon a money-laden car. He crosses encounters with the second-in-command of a drug organization during the incident....
Imitation tells the stories of K-Pop artists as they claim love, chase dreams and brave hardships to make it to the top. Adapted from the webtoon of the same name, Imitation has a lot of real-life idols from our favorite idol groups. They all come together to highlight the harsh...
Missing the endearing story of Imitation? Here is a list of encouraging lessons especially dedicated to young and young at hearts pushing to make their dreams come true. Imitation is a great drama for every youth today. It’s a light-hearted story with the right amount of serious and relevant topics...
The lead actors of KBS2 youth series Imitation extend their thankfulness to all the fans who supported them and the drama. Directed by Han Hyun Hee and written by Kim Min Jung along with Choi Sun Young, Imitation is a musical romance drama that narrates the life of Korean pop idols. Lee Ma-Ha...
There’s no denying that Maha and Ryeok share mutual fondness in the seventh episode of Imitation! However, their sweet and secret relationship might be hard to keep especially in the showbiz world they live in. abbyinhallyuland watches Imitation on iQiyi Episode Recaps: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |...
Our lead pair confronts their romantic emotion that has long been there in the latest episode of Imitation! Caught in a love bug, Kwon Ryeok drowned himself with work to not allow any moment where he could think of Maha. Looming concerns might also arise internally to SHAX brotherhood. abbyinhallyuland...