The Devil Judge showcases the courage, fearlessness, and love of Park Gyu Young as Yoon Soo Hyun. tvN’s new Saturday-Sunday legal drama released photo stills of the charismatic Park Gyu Young. The Devil Judge narrates the story of a chaotic and unjust society in Korea. The collapsing city will achieve peace...
The hottest star judge, Ji Sung, tries on a new acting prowess to the upcoming mystery and legal drama “The Devil Judge.” Recently, an exclusive interview with Ji Sung about tvN’s new Saturday-Sunday series, The Devil Judge, was made. Set in a virtual dystopian world, it depicts the story of a star...
GOT7’s Jinyoung aims to shed justice in tvN’s new drama The Devil Judge set to air on July 3rd. Recently, tvN released snapshots of Jinyoung playing Kim Ga-on, a rookie orphan judge in a Dystopian South Korea of the future. This caught people’s attention along with the mysterious plot of...
tvN’s new mystery drama The Devil Judge released the first stills of the hottest star judge, Ji Sung. The Devil Judge officially announced that the drama broadcasts for the first time on July 3. Giving a quick peek to fans, the series released teaser photos of the lead character, Ji...
Park Jinyoung of GOT7 is the newest artist of BH Entertainment, the top-notch global management company specializing in actors. Today, BH Entertainment announced the news through an official press release. The singer-actor previously signed an exclusive contract with JYP Entertainment. Jinyoung has been active as a member of the top...