Rookie Cops releases a trailer along with a poster featuring a beaming young cast! Scheduled to be released in the first half of 2022, Rookie Cops, a Disney+ original series, features an energetic police college campus life starring Kang Daniel and Chae Soo Bin. The original series is written by...
It’s official! The casting for the film Long D was sealed with Jang Dong Yoon and Park Yoo Na playing the roles of long-distance lovers. The film tackles how long-distance relationships work in our era. Jang Doo Yoon and Park Yoo Na are uniting in serving a romantic film on...
From its simple plot, Sky Castle diffuses to a web of unimaginable family scenarios; to reverse its poor premiere to a record-breaking viewership rating. Soaring high throughout its run, four families colored the narrative of SKY Castle to intriguing bends. Coupled with proportionate moments for its big cast, its fictional world...
Every episode of True Beauty will really push you to be “in the mood for dancing”! More than its sweet chronicling of young love, It traverses self-esteem battles faced by young people. Its choice of not going overboard with the angst, but focusing on presenting a functioning support system makes...