Unveiling the roster of Korean films to look forward to, streaming platform Disney+ would surely delight viewers anticipating these movie treats. So, mark your calendars and ready your popcorn for these upcoming releases. January 18 | Confidential Assignment 2 Released on September 7, 2022; the Hyun Bin starrer amassed nearly...
Presold to 115 countries, the upcoming Korean film, Remember receives overwhelming attention from global fans. Remember traverses how Pil-ju, an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient sets forth to complete his revenge planned for 60 years before his memory disappears. Keen to avenge the death of his entire family, Pil-joo (Lee Sung Min)...
In terms of reliability, Lee Sung Min has proven a decorated acting career across various genres. For his latest role, the seasoned actor challenges action scenes complementing the revenge plot of the film. Remember traverses how Pil-ju, an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient sets forth to complete his revenge planned for 60...
Nam Joo Hyuk marks his big screen comeback in October for the film, Remember. In the movie, he portrays In-gyu, a young man in his twenties who joins in the revenge plan of Pil-joo, played by Lee Sung Min. Remember traverses how Pil-joo, an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient sets forth to...