SBS’ upcoming drama, Payback, releases photographs of its first table-read along with a spectacular character lineup. The drama Law Money depicts a thrilling tale of vengeance, following those who risk everything to take down a cartel of wealthy criminals who have conspired with the government. It is a collaboration between...
Our Beloved Summer triumphs in bringing back a nostalgic and romantic youthful experience. Despite the differences in lifestyle, love blossoms even in the most unexpected moment. No matter how much time passes after a breakup, the remaining affection can reunite lovers for a fresh new chapter together. Main Cast: Choi...
Kim Min Jae, Park Gyu Young and Kwon Yul showcase their perfect synergy in the first table read of the upcoming KBS drama Dali and Cocky Prince! Slated for September premiere, the romantic-comedy series follows the romance between the daughter of a prestigious family who wants to save a ruined...