Following the character posters unveiled recently, The First Responders dropped an equally fervent main poster. The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes, accidents and fires. Additionally, it heightens expectations since it is the first series in Korea to present a...
Promising heartwarming teamwork, the news SBS series parades character posters of the lead stars. The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes, accidents and fires. Additionally, it heightens expectations since it is the first series in Korea to present a story...
With its approaching launch date, The First Responders has been rolling out an engrossing promotional blast to enthuse viewers. The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes, accidents and fires. It depicts the most intense teamwork of first responders in critical...
Kim Rae Won, Son Ho Jun and Gong Seung Yeon lead an ensemble cast to portray rescuers in The First Responders! The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes and fires. It depicts the most intense teamwork of first responders in...
Kim Rae Won, Son Ho Jun and Gong Seung Yeon are all set to SBS new Friday-Saturday drama, The First Responders. The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes and fires. It depicts the most intense teamwork of first responders in...
The First Responders confirmed its ensemble cast of rescuers, dropping in the second half of 2022! The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes and fires. It depicts the most intense teamwork of first responders in critical situations. Additionally, it heightens...
The actor has signed an exclusive contract with Think Entertainment on June 30. Think Entertainment affirmed the news and released an official statement. “We have signed an exclusive contract with Son Ho Jun. We will provide our full support sparingly for his future activities, so we ask for your interest.”...
Confession Couple sweetly narrates how giving love a second chance can happen only when people in a relationship are willing to forgive and to communicate. Confession Couple sends you to a whirlwind of emotions with its pensive mood of the joys and pain of being in love. The trip back...
Go Back Couple sweetly narrates how giving love a second chance can happen only when people in a relationship are willing to forgive and to communicate. The series sends you to a whirlwind of emotions with its pensive mood of the joys and pain of being in love. The trip...
Combining the grit of espionage theme to sweet comic day-to-day normal living, is what My Secret Terrius perfectly notched with its spirited spy story – that can be enjoyed even by picky audience. Parading a valiant hero – and a refreshing heroine who neutralizes him to become a literal God’s...