A shining performance in dual roles, Lee Joon Gi decorated his latest characters with impeccable skills and emotions. More than that, Lee Joon Gi also created fond memories while sharing laughter and tears. Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun garnered attention with its overwhelming scale and unique world-building. It concluded...
Playing the roles of two brothers born with an unfortunate fate, Lee Joon Gi challenges anticipated portrayals in The Sword of Aramun. The Sword of Aramun picks up from the events of the first season. Lee Joon Gi transforms into the characters of Eunsom and Saya who both have become...
Hyping fans’ interest, Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun paraded teasers presenting expected scenarios and character missions. In Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun, the fateful story of Tagon, Eunseom, Tanya, and Taealha continues in the ancient land of Arth. K-Drama Review: “Arthdal Chronicles” Validates Astounding Narrative & Characters Make...