Transcending a flowing charisma, the lead cast of Tomorrow is primed to fulfill their roles in assisting those on the brink of death. After sketching two main posters for the eagerly awaited drama, it acquaints audiences with the opposite expressions of Kim Hee Sun, Kim Rowoon, Lee Soo Hyuk, and Yoon...
A new interesting batch of death angels is set to engross K-Drama viewers when Tomorrow premieres this month! They probably have the most arduous task as their work involves the afterlife. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, the new series shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally...
Flawlessly expressing a cold-blooded leader, Lee Soo Hyuk discloses his love and passion for embracing his character in Tomorrow. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, Tomorrow follows the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special mission. He then becomes a temporary worker in...
MBC continuously engages anticipating viewers with a parade of teasers for Kim Hee Sun, Rowoon, Lee Soo Hyuk and Yoon Ji On’s upcoming series, Tomorrow! Based on a webtoon written by Rama, the new series shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special...
Acquainting viewers with the nature of the job the lead stars of MBC’s drama, Tomorrow will do, the series makes quite an interesting statement! Finding a reason to live tomorrow, that’s what we do – is the text on the teaser poster unveiled for Tomorrow. Based on a webtoon written by...
MBC’s new weekend supernatural-themed series, Tomorrow, dropped the first character stills of the lead pairing! It surely is worth checking out! Based on a webtoon written by Rama, Tomorrow shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special mission. He then becomes a temporary worker...
The lead cast of MBC’s upcoming Friday – Saturday drama, Tomorrow, gathered for the script-reading session. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, Tomorrow shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special mission. He then becomes a temporary worker in the underworld. Writer Park...
Viewers should anticipate MBC’s new dramas of intriguing and fascinating storylines, which will premiere this September until the first half of 2022. Prominent actors are poised to spearhead new series with thrilling and poignant themes that will undoubtedly make viewers happy and excited. MBC encourages its audiences to anticipate their...