SBS new Monday-Tuesday drama, Trolley held an online drama presentation. Attended by the creative team and lead actors, the series is scheduled to premiere on December 19. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the...
Vaunting the character posters, Trolley previews the connections that will transpire in the series. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lives with a hidden past. But her secret...
Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lives with a hidden past. But her secret gets revealed to the world. It boasts the creative team of Kim Moon-gyo who worked...
Enticing viewers, the new SBS Monday-Tuesday melodrama, Trolley, gravitates with revealed intriguing teasers. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the National Assembly member’s wife who lived with her past hidden. But her secret gets revealed...
Wrapping up the year, the roster of December 2022 Korean Dramas promises engrossing stories and much-awaited small-screen comebacks of renowned actors! It’s going to be a sweet overwhelming experience with long-awaited sequels set to answer all the cliffhangers K-Drama fans eagerly want. Make sure to keep tabs on the latest...