Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2 presents Kang Young Seok and Woo Davi play pivotal roles in the recent video teaser. Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2 concluded its first season in September filled with healing stories and laughter. Slated to broadcast its sequel this January 2023, tvN teases fans with new...
Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2 sets a romantic mood with the recently unveiled official teaser poster featuring the Poong Woo Couple. Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2 concluded its first season in September filled with healing stories and laughter. Slated to broadcast its sequel this January 2023, Kim Min Jae and...
Our heartwarming weekly prescriptions from our favorite psychiatrist, Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2, are back this January 11, 2023! tvN’s Wednesday-Thursday series, Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist, returns on the small screen for a sequel along with the whole Gyesoo family. Concluding its first season last September, the series became notable...
Link: Eat, Love, Kill served a narrative with various genres that proved that facing our fears and fixing our regrets is the only way to face tomorrow with no bottled-up emotions. Link: Eat, Love, Kill introduces a refreshing take on murder and thriller narratives. It highlights Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s tragic...
Danger continues to follow Da-hyun in Link: Eat, Love, Kill episode 15. Nevertheless, her link with Gye-hoon saved her from peril. Ending their relationship in the recent episode of Link: Eat, Love, Kill, fate brings back Da-hyun and Gye-hoon together. Furthermore, Da-hyun finally fulfills her promise to Gye-young 18 years ago. sun_drae watched Link:...
Yumi’s Cells 2 exposes the truth that falling in love teaches a blissful sometimes painful journey to realize one’s worth. After Yumi’s love cell fell into a coma again after her break-up with Woong, she opens her heart again to another man that made her feel safe and valuable. Main...
Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun save their relationship and clear misunderstandings amid the dangers in Link: Eat, Love, Kill episode 13. Mustering her courage in the recent episode of Link: Eat, Love, Kill, Hong Bok-hee finally answers Da-hyun’s question on the night she and Gye-young disappeared. sun_drae watched Link: Eat, Love, Kill in Disney Plus...
Continuing her writer life, Yumi’s quiet world shakes again as Bobby came back in the latest episodes of Yumi’s Cells 2. Meanwhile, Gu-woong faces another heartbreak. All of his hopes came crumbling down and faces the reality that it’s over. Sammmeh_ watches Yumi Cell’s 2 on Viki Recaps: 1-6 | 7&8 | 9&10 | Yumi’s Cells 2 Episodes...
Da-hyun doesn’t feign ignorance of the facts that Gye-hoon tries to mask. Due to this, their relationship hangs by a thread in Episode 12 of Link: Eat, Love, Kill. Link: Eat, Love, Kill pierces on Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s hearts with the truth they unearthed. Blaming herself for being the only...
Celebrating life, love, and friendship through good food, Gye-hoon’s day pivots with unseemly revelations in episode 11 of Link: Eat, Love, Kill. Furthermore, Noh Da-hyun finally took the bull by its horns as she investigated the house with a red gate that always appears in her nightmares. sun_drae watched Link: Eat, Love, Kill in...