Together with Director Hwang In Hyuk, Lee Hyeri and Yoo Seung Ho disclose insights about their latest work in Moonshine. Set during the most extreme prohibition period in the history of Korea, Moonshine in a nutshell revolves around a conscientious inspector who hunts down moonshiners. However, he ironically falls in...
Meeting on a not-so-good first encounter, Moonshine previews Lee Hyeri and Byeon Woo Seok’s adorable stills. Moonshine is a romantic story about a woman who makes alcoholic beverages and an upright inspector tasked with tracking down moonshiners during a period of strict alcohol prohibition. While Kang Ro-seo (Lee Hyeri) was...
It’s definitely the most wonderful time of K-Drama year this December on Viu! All month long, thousands of titles across different genres, including the best K-dramas, anime, variety shows and more will be available to stream FREE on the platform! Need some inspiration to get started? Pick from the latest...
Romance dominates December 2021 K-Dramas on Viu this month! Joining the currently airing slate of engrossing series is a highly anticipated historical romance series. Get ready to laugh out loud, tear up or hold your breath in suspense with a variety of light-hearted romantic comedies, touching dramas and exhilarating action...
Moonshine charms with Byeon Woo Seok’s disguise to walk freely outside the palace. In the teaser photos featuring the role of a Crown Prince who conceals his identity to walk the streets freely, the actor conveys a spontaneous character with a double life. Moonshine is a romantic drama about a woman...
It’s a mixture of fan-favorite and staple story genres in the coming December 2021 Korean Dramas! Avid and casual viewers can pick from a wide array of stories featuring popular and seasoned actors staging their drama comebacks. Gong Yoo, Lee Dong Wook, Lee Jin Wook, bae Doona and Soo Ae...
Releasing two couple posters, Moonshine boosts anticipation for the main love pairing’s chemistry. Moonshine is a romantic drama about a woman who makes alcoholic beverages and an upright inspector who goes after moonshiners during an era of strict alcohol prohibition. Giving viewers a remarkable synergy with the recently released stills, which...
Moonshine introduces its male lead Yoo Seung Ho, and he definitely got our attention! Portraying the role of a principled inspector tasked to chase after illegal alcohol sellers, the actor is seen as a man engrossed in improving his academic skills in the teaser photos. Moonshine is a romance story...
Lee Hyeri and Yoo Seung Ho’s synergy in KBS 2TV’s Moonshine unveils this coming December 20. Traveling back in the late Joseon Dynasty, KBS brings us another anticipated historical drama, Moonshine. The broadcasting station recently announced the first episode to air this December 20. The cast of the series also successfully...