Moonshine did not disappoint with the humor, tension and emotional moments displayed in its opening week. The opening broadcast of the series has finally arrived. In its first two episodes, the main casts Lee Hyeri, Yoo Seung Ho, Byeon Woo Seok and Kang Mi Na all have shown commendable portrayals. Depicting...
Promising chemistry of the characters and imaginative fusion of costume historical drama set in the late Joseon era, Moonshine is about to be one of your favorite parts each week! Historical dramas hit differently. Maybe it is because seeing the actors in costumes brings so much charm and vibrancy. Perhaps...
Lee Hyeri and Yoo Seung Ho’s synergy in KBS 2TV’s Moonshine unveils this coming December 20. Traveling back in the late Joseon Dynasty, KBS brings us another anticipated historical drama, Moonshine. The broadcasting station recently announced the first episode to air this December 20. The cast of the series also successfully...
Completing the main cast of When The Flowers Bloom I Think of The Moon are talented actors Byun Woo Seok and Kang Mina! KBS 2 TV’s forthcoming series threads on the story of alcohol prohibition in the late Joseon dynasty. Previously, it has announced Yoo Seung Ho and Lee Hyeri...
An embargo on liquor is the newest period drama plot of KBS 2 TV’s forthcoming series. Scheduled to air in the second half of the year, 꽃 피면 달 생각하고 When The Flowers Bloom I Think of The Moon (LT) continues KBS historical series parade this year. When The Flowers...