Elevating excitement, Netflix releases photos captured in Daily Dose of Sunshine set for November 4 premiere. Netflix is set to bring another webtoon adaptation featuring the ensemble cast of Park Bo Young, Yeon Woo Jin, Jang Dong Yoon, and Lee Jung Eun in Daily Dose of Sunshine. Daily Dose of...
The surprising combination of music and murder magically works for I Wanna Hear Your Song. Revolving around the mysterious death of pianist Kim Ian, the different characters of the drama struggle to recover. Most importantly, they all try to handle the aftermath of the death. But suspicion and doubt bubble...
Netflix is set to bring another webtoon adaptation featuring the ensemble cast of Park Bo Young, Yeon Woo Jin, Jang Dong Yoon, and Lee Jung Eun. Daily Dose of Sunshine (WT) is a Netflix original series based on the webcomic 정신병동에도 아침은 와요 (Morning Also Comes To The Psychiatric Ward) in...
634 Regia fought and won against the malevolent spirit, however, none of them is left unscathed. Father Moon is able to obtain the name of the evil entity and save Oh Soo Min from full possession. However, while Ham Eun Ho regains her memories, Soo Min loses his. Defeating the...
Full of sensible and heartening messages, Thirty Nine took the viewers to emotional highs, genuine laughter and resonating life lessons. Best shared with your friends and family, the series runs a dozen episodes only. Perfect for a scheduled binge watch. Trust me, the experience is such a gift. K-Drama...
A quarter beautiful, a quarter encouraging and a quarter uplifting – Thirty Nine took us to the most heartfelt definition of friendship that respects and endures. Inherently capable of an expressive narrative, the top-notch portrayals of the characters coupled with its beautifully poignant story make the series one of the...
Tying up the loose ends of the series, we felt the love among Mi-jo, Chan-young and Joo-hee so prominent in the 11th episode of Thirty Nine. For a moment, we all hoped for a miracle to happen in Thirty Nine. In the penultimate episode, it reminded us that when things...
Brimming with poignant moments, the 10th episode of Thirty Nine settled unvoiced secrets and emotions. The aftermath of Mi-jo’s visit to her birth mother disappointingly gives worries not just with her but her friends and loved ones. Meanwhile, Chan-young bravely prepares for the inevitable drawing strength from Jin-seok. Lastly, Joo-hee...
Braving her love choice, Cha Mi-jo held her ground and looks forward to married life in the 9th episode of Thirty Nine. Jung Chan-young works hard to make her mother’s birthday special but ends up doing an impossible deed to get her mother’s birthday cake. Meanwhile, Joo-hee receives a surprise...
Revelations and confrontations continue in the 8th episode of Thirty Nine. Unfortunately for Chan-young, she had to reveal her condition at an inconvenient time for her parents. Mi-jo learns the reason why Joo-hee’s mom hid the truth from her. Thankfully, Hyeon-jun also decides to prioritize his happiness and makes a...