Yoo Jae Myung transforms into a fierce and passionate detective for the upcoming mystery-thriller series, Hometown. Set in a rural town in 1999, Hometown follows detective Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung) as he solves a bizarre case that took place in 1989. In that year, Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm Tae Goo)...
Voice of Silence weighs the gravity of a crime unintentionally committed and blurs the relationship of an accomplice and a victim. Vendors of eggs, Tae-in and Chang-bok, also work for a criminal organization to clean the crime scene and bury corpses. Chang-bok, a religious man, works together with Tae-in, who...
Yoo Jae Myung, Han Ye Ri and Uhm Tae Goo are making their drama comeback through tvN’s Hometown! Written by Joo Jin and directed by Park Hyun Seok (Stranger 2), the series will be broadcast for the first time in September. Hometown is a mystery thriller depicting a detective chasing...
Actor Yoo Ah In challenges a new role where he will act without saying any lines. Definitely on a roll this year, Yoo Ah In notches movie no. 2 with Voice of Silence. After his successful stint with #Alive, he suits up to the role of Tae-in, a crime scene...