Wavve original series The Deal shares daunting character posters that give more details to the characters’ predicaments. The Deal is billed as a thriller drama about a 10 billion kidnapping case where two young men accidentally kidnap their friend. It follows the interesting premise of yesterday’s friend, today’s hostage, and...
Kim Dong Hwi challenges a complex character in The Deal! The series follows the interesting premise of yesterday’s friend, today’s hostage, and tomorrow’s accomplice. “The Deal” Drops Intriguing Teasers Featuring Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Dong Hwi and Yoo Su Bin Previously, two types of posters were released, the pictures draw...
Yoo Seung Ho makes his comeback drama with The Deal, a 10-billion-won kidnapping thriller about two young men who accidentally abducted their friend. The series follows the interesting premise of yesterday’s friend, today’s hostage, and tomorrow’s accomplice. “The Deal” Drops Intriguing Teasers Featuring Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Dong Hwi and...
Wavve original drama, The Deal, released two posters and a trailer highlighting the kidnapping premise surrounding three friends. The Deal is billed as a thriller drama about a 10 billion kidnapping case where two young men accidentally kidnap their friend. It follows the interesting premise of yesterday’s friend, today’s hostage,...
Wavve’s original drama, 거래 The Deal, shares more information. Backed up by Studio Wavve, Playlist and LikeM Company, the new web series will be directed by Lee Jung-gon with Hong Jong-seong penning the script. The Deal is billed as a thriller drama about a 10 billion kidnapping case where two...
Casting is confirmed for Deal, a new original series from Wavve! Based on the Naver webtoon of the same name, the production begins as soon as the casting completes. Deal is a crime thriller drama about a billion-dollar worth kidnapping of two young men in their 20s who accidentally abducted...
For K-Drama fans, yearning for extensions on well-loved Korean romance series featuring well-loved K-Drama couples is normal. We pass through stages of K-Drama-send-off-grief before we achieve closure. From creating our own alternate ending reveries to hunting behind-the-scenes videos; it is undoubtedly a struggle, but something that comes naturally when immersing...
10 years ago, Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin star in a sweeping time-traveling romance story in Operation Proposal. Addictive/Romance Meter: Overall Rating: Operation Proposal Quick Plot Recap Kang Baek-ho lacks confidence in confessing his love to his childhood best friend Ham Yi-seul. She eventually accepts the love of...
Branded as the most wanted criminal in Moonshine, Ro Seo stays hidden in Nam Young’s residence for the time being. Nam Young proceeds to uncover the truth about Ro Seo’s father’s death, which is also connected to the late Crown Prince’s death. However, he is unaware that a certain high...
A moonshiner, an inspector, and a former enemy of Moonshine work together to devise a concrete plan to catch Sim Heon. Bearing in mind the futility of executing Sim Heon, Ro Seo and the others work together in the 10th episode of Moonshine. Clearly, it is to trace the capital’s...