Pachinko 2 continues the epic saga of immigrants surviving the Japanese colonial period. On the morning of the 23rd, the press conference for the second season of the Apple TV+ series Pachinko was held at the Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas in Samseong-dong, Seoul. The event featured appearances by key cast...
Global superstar Lee Min Ho is reprising his enigmatic role as Hansu in the highly anticipated second season of Apple TV+’s epic drama, Pachinko. Building upon his captivating performance in the first season, Lee Min Ho is set to delve deeper into the complexities of his character, offering fans a...
Acclaimed series Pachinko is set to return this summer for its highly anticipated second season. Pachinko is a riveting saga that begins with a tale of forbidden love and unfolds into an unforgettable chronicle of war and peace, love and loss, and triumph and tragedy, spanning Korea, Japan, and the...
Pachinko Season 2 has confirmed its release date for August 23, unveiling the first stills and main title sequence. The series, which debuted in March 2022, tells a sweeping story that begins with forbidden love and spans Korea, Japan, and the United States. It chronicles the enduring saga of a...
Ready for global streaming on March 25, Pachinko piques interest with an intriguing preview of the series. Produced in three languages: Korean, Japanese, and English – the eagerly-awaited Apple TV+ series warmly captures a large-scale narrative. Starring Youn Yuh Jung, Lee Min Ho, Jin Ha, Anna Sawai and Kim Min Ha, the series is...
Depicting multiple faces of reality, Beasts Clawing at Straws tracks down the root of human greed. Diligently working at a sauna, Jung-man (Bae Sung Woo) sees a bag of money left by a customer. He takes care of his mother with dementia together with his wife Young-sun (Jin Kyung). Tae-young...
The revered seasoned actress scored an amazing feat for herself and South Korea’s film industry. For her performance as Soon-ja in MINARI, Youn Yuh Jung wins the honor for Actress in a Supporting Role in the recent 93rd Academy Awards. Amazing the viewers with her wit, she left a lasting...
Minari starring Youn Yuh Jung, Steven Yeun and Han Ye Ri notched six Oscar 2021 nominations! An extraordinary feat for South Korea’s film industry, Youn Yuh Jung is the first Korean actress to be nominated for the American Academy Awards. The revered seasoned actress is vying for the Best Supporting...
tvN unveiled the main poster of its latest entertainment show, Youn’s Stay. Featuring Youn Yuh Jung, Lee Seo Jin, Jung Yu Mi, Park Seo Joon and Choi Woo Sik, the latest variety program will air its first broadcast on January 8. A repackage of Youn’s Kitchen, the show will run...