Backed up by stellar showrunners, the new SBS drama mounts a promising story. Titled 꽃선비 열애사 Romantic Guesthouse (WT), the series tells the story of a boarding house owner and three handsome scholars. Penning the script are writers Kwon Eun Mi (Woman With A Suitcase, Gapdong, Royal Family) and Kim...
Brandishing the lead characters of The Red Sleeve, MBC unfurls posters featuring Lee Jun Ho, Lee Se Young and Kang Hoon. The series narrates a bittersweet historical court romance drama about a court lady who wants to protect the life she has chosen and a king who prioritizes the kingdom...
MBC’s forthcoming drama The Red Sleeve officially held its table-read and announced the date of its pilot episode. Directed by Jung Ji In and written by Jung Hae Ri, the historical romance series The Red Sleeve is set during the 18th century. King Jeong-Jo (Lee Jun Ho) is a crown prince who...