Confirming the lead cast, director Park Hoon Jung reunites with actors he worked with in his recent films. Tyrant follows the story of people chasing each other after the last sample of the “tyrant’s program” disappears due to a delivery accident. Steering the movie project is director Park Hoon Jung...
Slated for December 8 premiere, JTBC’s new drama, Artificial City, has unfurled the characters to meet in the series. Artificial City is a unique mystery thriller drama about a woman’s desire to rise to the highest position in Korea against a powerful chaebol family who runs Sungjin Group, a conglomerate...
With the announcement of the confirmed ensemble cast, Sad Tropics gears up to begin filming on December 10! Led by Director and Screenwriter Park Hoon Jung, Sad Tropics follows a young boy who dreams of becoming a boxer but finds himself suddenly the target of suspicious people and being pursued. Furthermore,...
As a mystery-thriller movie, Recalled reflects on how far humans could go in the name of love. *Spoiler Alert Waking up from an accident with no memories, Kim Soo-jin (Seo Yea Ji) is assisted by a man who claims to be Ji-hoon, her husband (Kim Kang Woo). Her kind husband...
Adding Artificial City to its pumped roster, JTBC is really ensuring a top-notch drama experience for viewers this season! Celebrating its 10th anniversary, JTBC has been so far enticing drama fans with a slew of Korean dramas to watch out for! Its newest actors to tap are Soo Ae and Kim...