The mentioned actors affirmed their presence in Netflix’s film Jung Yi. Directed and written by Yeon Sang Ho, Jung Yi centers on a post-apocalyptic concept, wherein planet Earth is no longer habitable for humans in the 22nd century due to climate change. Set in the future, people are now living in a...
JTBC’s latest drama, Undercover held its online drama presentation earlier. It was attended by Ji Jin Hee, Kim Hyun Joo and director Song Hyun Wook. Based on BBC One series written by Peter Moffat and directed by James Hawes, the drama tells the story of a human rights lawyer persistently...
Hyping interest in their reunion drama, Ji Jin Hee and Kim Hyun Joo layered their characters with a peerless attitude in the released poster. Accordingly, Undercover is prepping up for its launch on April 23 on JTBC. Based on BBC One series written by Peter Moffat and directed by James...