Literally, The Killing Vote episode 2 made a blast on its cliffhanging ending! A special team is formed to stop the “masked man” from facilitating the “killing vote”. But the elusive villain knows a lot of tricks in the outsmarting game with the police. abbyinhallyuland watches The Killing Vote on...
With an imperfect law that is often manipulated by the rich and powerful, The Killing Vote proposes a radical solution. In this intriguing series, 18-year-olds and above citizens can participate in a nationwide vote of either executing to death or not the chosen atrocious person who has evaded the human...
Director Park Shin Woo, Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong, and Lim Ji Yeon gathered at a local press conference in Seoul to discuss their upcoming series The Killing Vote. The suspense thriller is available on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories worldwide. The first...
Korean suspense thriller The Killing Vote is all set to premiere on Prime Video! Starring Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong, and Lim Ji Yeon, this highly anticipated series will keep you on the edge of your seat! Prime Video announced today that suspense thriller series The Killing Vote, broadcasted...
Reunited since the delightful series Man to Man; Park Hae Jin and Park Sung Woong are back in another worth-watching project! The Killing Vote narrates the story of tracking down an unknown and elusive extortionist who conducts a national death penalty vote on vicious criminals and executes them. It is...
ENA’s new midweek series, Unlock The Boss, piques interest with its interesting premise. Based on a webtoon of the same name, the series is slated for December 7 airing. It chronicles the story of a boss who gets trapped in his smartphone and an intern who picked up his mobile...