The versatile actor takes on a complicated character in the upcoming tvN series. Set in a rural town in 1999, Hometown follows detective Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung) as he solves a bizarre case that took place in 1989. In that year, Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm Tae Goo) turns himself after...
Fresh from the success of the film Minari, the actress slates her small-screen comeback in tvN series Hometown. Set in a rural town in 1999, Hometown follows detective Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung) as he solves a bizarre case that took place in 1989. In that year, Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm...
Yoo Jae Myung transforms into a fierce and passionate detective for the upcoming mystery-thriller series, Hometown. Set in a rural town in 1999, Hometown follows detective Choi Hyung In (Yoo Jae Myung) as he solves a bizarre case that took place in 1989. In that year, Jo Kyung Ho (Uhm Tae Goo)...
Yoo Jae Myung, Han Ye Ri and Uhm Tae Goo are making their drama comeback through tvN’s Hometown! Written by Joo Jin and directed by Park Hyun Seok (Stranger 2), the series will be broadcast for the first time in September. Hometown is a mystery thriller depicting a detective chasing...