ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Love, is poised to captivate audiences with its refreshing take on love and relationships. Set to debut on November 4, Brewing Love follows the lives of a top saleswoman for a liquor company who hides her emotions and a sensitive brewery CEO who intuitively picks...
Kim Sejeong and Lee Jong Won are set to captivate audiences with their portrayal of a romantic relationship that intensifies under the influence of alcohol. The production team of ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Romance (directed by Park Seon-ho and written by Lee Jung-shin), has released two teaser posters and...
Promising a heartwarming and exciting love story, the series also stars Baek Sung Chul and Shin Do Hyun. The upcoming ENA drama, Drunken Romance 취하는 로맨스 will follow the unlikely pairing of a passionate liquor saleswoman and a sensitive brewery owner. Their relationship, as different as the tastes and aromas of...
The first batch of confirmed attendees was just announced by AAA 2023, and it’s definitely lit! Kim Seon Ho, Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Sejeong and Moon Ga Young are expected to attend the 2023 Asia Artist Awards in the Philippines on December 14 at the Philippine Arena. Presented by PULP...
The enthralling penultimate week exploded to a whole new level of excitement in The Uncanny Counter 2! Saving Joo-seok not to be consumed by evil, sadly, did not work out and a herculean task is up for the Counters with an almost invincible villain to confront. Bubbly Haruhi watches The...
The world is getting smaller between the Counters and their equally strong opponents in the 4th week of The Uncanny Counter 2. Gelly obtains significant information that puts them at an advantage against the Counters. Bubbly Haruhi watches The Uncanny Counter 2 on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03...
Halfway through the series, a new villain comes in – ready to bring chaos in The Uncanny Counter 2! Tension escalates in The Uncanny Counter 2 with looming unavoidable and heartbreaking battles ahead. Bubbly Haruhi watches The Uncanny Counter 2 on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 &...
The Counters had their first battle with the strong villains in the second week of The Uncanny Counter 2. Their rookie counter confronts self-doubts but musters the courage to find his purpose. Bubbly Haruhi watches The Uncanny Counter 2 on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 The Uncanny Counter 2...
Every bit of a muse, Kim Sejeong is all set to awe her fans in the Philippines as soon as October begins. The star of Business Proposal and The Uncanny Counter embarks on her first-ever concert tour. Presented by Wilbros Live, “The 門” the concert tour will be held on...
The Uncanny Counter 2 returns with familiar faces and additional interesting characters! A turf war is on the horizon as strong evil Counters challenge our favorite kind and upright Counters! Bubbly Haruhi watches The Uncanny Counter 2 on Netflix PRESS CONFERENCE: The Uncanny Counter 2: Counter Punch Promises To Deliver...