All episodes of Queen Woo are now available on Viu, and it’s a treat you don’t want to miss! Starring Jeon Jong Seo, Ji Chang Wook and Lee Soo Hyuk, this gripping historical action drama takes you on an unforgettable journey, blending palace politics, intense action, and dark, mature themes....
Queen Woo, a captivating new historical drama, delves into the tumultuous life of Queen Woo, a woman forced to navigate the treacherous waters of royal politics in ancient Goguryeo. Set against a backdrop of political intrigue and personal ambition, the series offers a fresh perspective on the life of a...
TVING’s upcoming historical drama, Queen Woo, promises a thrilling tale of power, intrigue, and survival. Set in the tumultuous aftermath of the king’s demise, Queen Woo tells the story of Empress Woo, who finds herself at the center of a fierce struggle for power. With various factions vying for control and princes...
Born Again takes an intriguing romance journey as love blossoms once again among reincarnated souls. Seemingly a story about a love triangle, Born Again has more to offer with its plot. There is also an underlying mystery that begins to unfold slowly, starting from the very first episode. The drama focuses on...
Produced by Sidus, the drama S Line signals production beginning with the announcement of lead stars. S Line (LT) posits a story of what happens when a red line, the so-called “S Line”, connects people who have physical relationships, thereby revealing their sensitive information. It is a fantasy thriller based...
Jeon Jeong Seo, Kim Mu Yeol, Ji Chang Wook, Jung Yu Mi, Lee Soo Hyuk and Park Ji Hwan start a bloody chase for the throne in Queen Wu. TVING’s new original historical series aims for a 2024 broadcast. Queen Wu narrates the story of Queen Wu, the target of...
Living for the little joys in life makes tomorrow bearable. Based on a webtoon of the same name, Netflix’s “Tomorrow” took a refreshing twist on grim reapers that save lives instead of taking them. Main Cast: Kim Hee-Seon | Rowoon | Lee Soo-Hyuk | Kim Hae-Sook | Yun Ji-On Addictive...
Encountering something personal during their mission, Gu Ryun helps Jun-woong save his friend in the latest episodes of Tomorrow. Convincing both the father and son in the past and future, the Risk Management Team managed to save them both. However, in return, Gu Ryun has to meddle in a major...
Providing a heartfelt story, Tomorrow aptly acquaints viewers with its clear picture of grim reapers rescuing despairing humans. We are taught about grim reapers who accompany souls to the afterlife. However, there is more to discover and understand about these angels of death in Tomorrow. Especially as Rowoon, Kim Hee...
Transcending a flowing charisma, the lead cast of Tomorrow is primed to fulfill their roles in assisting those on the brink of death. After sketching two main posters for the eagerly awaited drama, it acquaints audiences with the opposite expressions of Kim Hee Sun, Kim Rowoon, Lee Soo Hyuk, and Yoon...