Reminded of his sister who was bullied in the past, barista Eun-gang empathizes with a juvenile client in The Law Cafe. After being angered by President Lee’s recent visit, Yu-ri takes a break from the cafe. Jung-ho takes over, and handles a case of an underaged client being bullied. Awakening...
Handing a case of a lady accused of physical assault, Yu-ri reflects on her actions towards Jung-ho in The Law Cafe. Because of a broken system, Yu-ri realizes her shortcoming in blaming everything on a worker for the children’s welfare. For the cafe’s new case, Yu-ri encourages a lady charged...
Off with righteous convictions, Blind courses a narrative filled with potentially duplicitous characters. Beginning with a murder case, two brothers with distinct temperaments and a warm social worker cast their own doubts on the real culprit of the case. Like a puzzle to be completed, viewers may enjoy deducing the...
In a society where human life is disregarded, Big Mouth examines the justifiable means of punishing the greedy. Power and money have a great influence in disguising selfish goals for society’s betterment. With lives sacrificed for such goals, the series mounts an icon sprinkled with wit and humor to fight...
Battling with her sickness alone while being supportive of her husband, Mi-ho prepares to infiltrate the suspicious fish farm in Big Mouth. After hearing her diagnosis alone, Mi-ho keeps her sickness a secret from her father and Chang-ho. Rising in the mayoral race ratings, Chang-ho prepares for the debate. Eager...
Realizing that what she saw wasn’t a ghost, Yu-ri discovers a case of maltreatment in The Law Cafe. Business resumes for Yu-ri’s cafe after Nurungi the dog was found dead inside. Talking with the complained stalker, Yu-ri learns the truth about the little girl she mistook for a ghost. Completing...
Describing their roles in detail, the lead characters of Blind share the captivating points of the upcoming mystery thriller drama. Scheduled to broadcast beginning September 16, Blind written by Kwon Ki Kyung, follows the story of victims who were once ordinary citizens and offenders who disregard the disturbing reality in...
Offering a creative solution for the residents of Pureun Apartment, Jung-ho leads a noise complaint concert in The Law Cafe. Gathering residents to persuade them to go against Dohan Construction, Yu-ri snaps at Jung-ho for dissuading the residents with the loopholes and low compensation of the lawsuit. Jung-ho, who initially...
Collaborating with Chang-ho, Yoon-gab puts on a believable act in front of Mayor Choi in Big Mouth’s recent episode. Requesting support from Chairman Kang, Chang-ho disguises himself as a double agent for the two organizations. As he is aware of Mayor Choi’s plans of killing him, Chang-ho teams up with...
Overwhelmed by the events, Chang-ho learns about Soon-tae’s membership in big mouse’s organization in Big Mouth. Appointed as the new leader, Chang-ho receives assistance from Soon-tae who has a high position in the organization. Mi-ho continues their investigation and discovers that Mayor Choi is the grandson of NK Chemicals. Moving...