In the backdrop of the art world, adorned with veiled intentions, Reflection of You easily settles viewers to its enigmatic story and characters. Reflection of You is a new series about two women who end up getting embroiled in an ill-fated relationship. Ko Hyun-jung stars as Jeong Hui-ju, a successful...
A serotonin boost added with a taste of love is what we all need at this point. Especially with new Viu Original Now, We Are Breaking Up hitting our screens soon, we’re all looking for romcoms that would set us in the mood. It’s time to sit back and relax,...
Go Hyun Jung and Shin Hyun Been share a harmonious friendship that mysteriously deteriorates over time on Reflection of You. JTBC’s latest series Reflection of You follows a successful painter and essayist that seemingly starts to fray after encountering a woman who inspired her to become who she is today. Hee-joo is...
Cha Tae Hyun is happy to meet good friends while working in KBS2 series Police University! In his recent drama, the well-loved actor played the role of Yoo Dong-man, a detective and a professor at the Police University. Not only did he run and roll his whole body, but he...
The King’s Affection revokes a dynamic history while also heralding the beginning of new stories for its grand premiere! With the goal of defining love in a variety of ways, the series is off to a promising start in terms of foreshadowing a plot and well-developed characters. The narrative captures...
All geared up for its global premiere, Jirisan mounts filming stories and insights in the recently held global press conference. Taking international center stage, writer Kim Eun-hee, director of photography Choi Sang-mook, together with stars Gianna Jun, Ju Ji-hoon, Oh Jung-se and Cho Han-Cheul attended the event. A sneak preview...
Marking Police University as his comeback series, Jung Jin Young reveals he is grateful to work with inspiring co-actors and production team. On October 5th, KBS’s Police University ended while leaving warm valuable lessons about life and justice. With Jung Jin Young, Cha Tae Hyun, and Krystal Jung‘s synergy, the series was able to...
A story of intertwining devotion, The King’s Affection makes its grand premiere on October 13! Prior to its launch, Director Song Hyun Wook and its vibrant young cast: Park Eun Bin, Kim Rowoon, Nam Yoon Su, Choi Byungchan, Bae Yoon Kyung and Jung Chaeyeon pleasantly introduced their characters. They also...
As we go to the last stretch of this season, our physical and emotional strain is expected to hit the limit – so make sure to deck these romance dramas on iQiyi for effective destressing activity. Astrology believers think the Mercury retrograde phenomenon can bring stress and lethargy. To counter...
Set to parade a poignant palace romance, the much-awaited love pair to dominate the K-Drama world are set to ascend on October 11. As the release of The King’s Affection approaches, worldwide fans anticipate the heart-fluttering and dizzying historical romance of Park Eun Bin and Kim Rowoon. Before heading to its first...