Slated for June broadcast, The Childe seals its premiere schedule in June with an arresting teaser image. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people with...
The Taxi Driver star and chameleon seasoned actor are set to begin filming this month for Moral Hazard. Directed by Choi Yoon-jin, Moral Hazard (LT) narrates the story of Korea’s No. 1 soju company on the cusp of bankruptcy and a global investor aiming for the company to risk its...
Ready to kickstart the premiere on April 26, Korean movie Dream unveils more teasers! Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag national team players, who challenge impossible dreams...
Hooking a perilous career with parenting challenges, Kill Boksoon yields a rousing and compelling narrative. Parenting does not only entail the financial capability to provide for one’s child. Children mirror their parents. Keeping secrets from each other, a mother and child struggle to be honest about each other’s hidden identity....
The highly anticipated 59th Baeksang Arts Awards will be held on April 28. It will take place at Incheon Paradise City on the 28th of this month from 5:30 pm and will be broadcast live simultaneously on JTBC, JTBC2 and JTBC4, and digitally on TikTok. Baeksang Arts Awards, the only...
Korean movie Dream has released 14 press stills that give a glimpse of the chemistry of the characters full of charms. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag...
Transforming into a diligent producing director in Dream, Lee Ji Eun (IU) is featured in the latest teasers of the movie. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag...
Before the official launch, the lead cast and director of Kill Boksoon convey interesting stories while filming. Director Byun Sung-hyun together with Kill Boksoon lead stars Jeon Do Yeon, Sol Kyung Gu, Esom, Kim Si A and Koo Kyo Hwan share eventful experiences while working on the film. Kill Boksoon...
Raising more interest after the released initial teasers, Dream unveiled two posters featuring the main cast. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag national team players, who challenge...
Along with its confirmed release date on April 26, the Korean movie, Dream, brandishes a first look at its main hero. Park Seo Joon is primed to showcase his exclusive charms as Yoon Hong-dae a football player who is given the challenge to coach homeless people for the Homeless World...