K-Drama First Look: “Strangers Again” Steers Insights Into Subtleties of Marriage and Divorce

Strangers Again

In the opening week of Strangers Again, a curious question about relationship fallout was raised.

That is, what could be the reason why someone would choose the “other” person if the cause of the breakup is a third party?

JTBC’s new midweek series offers an interesting look at the dynamics of marriage and divorce from the perspectives of divorce lawyers and the cases they tackled.

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Opening Week Rating:

Strangers Again

Strangers Again Opening Week Musings

At the top of her career game, Oh Ha-ra (Kang So Ra) has everything a woman needs. However, she’s not happy. The scar left by her failed marriage with Goo Eun-beom (Jang Seung Jo), a man she had a relationship with for over 10 years still lingers.

It was hinted in the story that he left her for another woman and he has been paying her alimony ever since.

Now Goo Eun-beom unfortunately is not having the best time of his career. Out of options, he pleads with his senior who is the co-CEO of the law firm where his ex-wife work so he can work there.

Naturally, Ha-ra did not like the idea but when a hard case involving celebrities came, Eun-beom finds a way to negotiate whether he can stay or not. His logical reason for how they used to be phenomenal together in cracking cases made her accept his proposal.

True to his promise that his solution will work, it indeed made Ha-ra win the case.

On a safe ground, the two ex-lovers seem to be accepting that they will be working together. Curiously, Eun-beom who asked Ha-ra for a dinner surprised her when the dinner turned out to be a blind date to his junior friend, Min Jae-kyum.

Unable to label the emotions of what she’s going through, she decides to keep going on dates with Jae-kyum.

When So-ra’s friend, Sang-eun, seeks her help so she can divorce her husband with erectile dysfunction; Eun-beom intercepts her since they are also acquainted. They end up working together on a case. Sang-eun wants to be free because she met someone new and her husband’s condition is caused by the hair growth medicine he’s been taking.

It brings back forgotten painful memories for Ha-ra who still seems to not have gotten closure from Eun-beom.

Strangers Again

Strangers Again Opening Week Musings

While the series might not be appealing to viewers who do not like conversation-driven stories, this would sit well with middle-aged people facing similar predicaments.

Portrayal-wise, the actors are effortlessly suited up to their roles well.

Presented in the premiere week vaguely, there’s more to learn about the events that led to Ha-ra and Eun-beom’s divorce. And yes, that question she posed previews how the majority of topics to be explored in the series would involve painful and realistic reasons why marriage contracts have to be voided.

Relevantly, the featured stories in the opening week insightfully shed light on jealousy and infidelity – common triggers of failed marriages.

As pictured in the launch week, Ha-ra and Eun-beom being the focal characters would share their backstory and move to either reconciliation or a proper closure.

Along with that, we can expect more engaging divorce stories.

Strangers Again is airing on ENA Channel and Genie TV. International fans can watch it on K-PLUS or Viki.

Photos: ENA

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  1. My favorite kdrama ar this time!!!! I love their honest and heartfelt conversations with their friends as they try to come to some closure regarding their failed marriage.

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