G-Dragon Vaunts His Signature Flair In Vogue Magazine Photos

Garbed in Chanel autumn collection, G-Dragon is set to decorate the November issue of Vogue Korea.

The K-Pop icon melts to striking pieces of clothing and accessories capturing his trademark artistry. In his own style, G-Dragon flaunts the luxury fashion brand’s with convincing look fresh off the runway, but looking comfortable and stunning.

G-Dragon wears the Chanel autumn collection and decorates the cover and pictorial for the November issue of Vogue Korea.


As a Chanel brand ambassador, BIGBANG’s leader is known for his love for the brand. He further explains the styling concepts he liked about Chanel.

“I’m not trying to break the stereotypes people have about Chanel. I like the fact that when I match my jeans with a Chanel tweed jacket or jewelry, the look is more fun, as if I was wearing it, and it felt free.”

In the subsequent interview, he briefly revealed some insights about his music-making.

“Many songs I wrote in my 20s are like diaries. I tend to write what I experienced back then. If I hadn’t, I would have forgotten everything.”

Sharing how it made him realized how he has grown up, he further added, “I was so busy. After some time, I listened to it and pondered what the case was back then. I have realized I have changed my mind like this now. I also still go through the same situation.”

More photos and interview details can be seen in the November issue of Vogue Korea.


Source: Sports Donga

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