“All of Us Are Dead” Elevates Excitement With Foreboding Ensemble Cast Character Posters + Enigmatic Main Trailer

Exhibiting a dreadful ordinary school day, All of Us Are Dead escalates with students battling a deadly zombie virus.

All of Us Are Dead follows isolated students waiting for rescue in a school where the fast spread of the zombie virus forces them to fight for their survival.

Unveiling the main trailer, it opens with a landscape of an ordinary school road. However, the students’ peaceful daily life begins to unravel when a student displays strange symptoms.

A zombie virus infects students, and bloodthirsty zombies swarm throughout the school, including lunchrooms, libraries, and hallways.

Consequently, students are horrified as they witness their own friends rapidly morphing into zombies the moment they are bitten. However, those remaining students who have survived must now start the real fight.

Meanwhile, Lee Byung-chan (Kim Byung Cheol), a science teacher who hides the secret of the zombie virus, leaves a video recording detailing the characteristics of zombies, which piques the viewers’ interests.

Students alone in school promise to stick together until the end, holding each other’s hands. Onjo’s father (Jeon Bae Soo) makes a frantic attempt to save her, as does Song Jae-ik (Lee Kyu Hyung), a detective who finds the truth about the virus. The flame of hope for a better world continues to burn.

It heightens curiosity since children trapped in school surrounded by zombies wonder if they can safely escape together.

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A Desperate Moment of the Students’ Will To Live

Capturing their desperate moments, the unveiled character poster parades students who have survived a zombie-infested school.

Onjo (Park Ji Hu) is afraid of zombies, Cheong-san (Yoon Chan Young) attempts to protect him, while Nam-ra (Cho Yi Hyun) and Su-hyeok (Lomon) flee along a zombie-infused corridor.

Besides that, archery students and their companions also garner attention. Ha-ri (Ha Seung Ri), the archery club’s captain, fights zombies with a bow, while Mi-jin (Lee Eun Sam), who is accompanying her, uses a broken stick. On the other hand, Gwi-nam (Yoo In Soo) is oblivious to the zombie swarms that surround him, highlighting his blazing keen eyes.

The line “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to kill” reflects the students’ strong determination to survive with their pals and the complicated thinking of those torn between friends who have turned into zombies.

However, only Gwi-nam expresses his primal urge to kill, boosting the audience’s interest in the source of his rage and his true identity.

Netflix’s series All of Us Are Dead will premiere on January 28.

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Source: news1

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